Introduction to the Offshore Industry

Course Name: Introduction to the Offshore Industry

Course duration: 45 hours

Languages: Conducted in Spanish & English.

Course Content:  This course is recommended for all personnel working in the offshore industry, whether Oil & Gas, Windfarms, Vessels, Research Platforms or other locations that are far from the port, coastal or offshore.

The objectives of this course are for the student to acquire the basic knowledges to become familiar with the work in the offshore & onshore industry. It is recommended to all those who have no experience in the industry or those who want to achieve extra knowledge. Theoretical classes will be delivered, among the content of the course that  includes; safety standards, technical  vocabulary,  jobs founds in the Offshore & Onshore industry, guided tours to different environments...




Start dates for practical training part End Offer (2023)
Ask dates 490€

At the beginning of the course you must bring:

  • Updated CV


For any doubt or more information please contact our Attention to the Student department at the email: or call us at telephone + 34 936338627.



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We currently do not have any scheduled courses. Be aware!!

  • Paul Unterweiser President - Marine Simulation - USA 09-07-2014

    Victor and the team at QSTAR are leaders in the field of ROV pilot training and have been a pleasure to work with. We highly recommend them and look forward to a long working relationship with them.

  • Jenifer Garcia Lara - Barcelona 13-04-2016

    "I would definitely recommend this course to everyone. A highly rewarding experience. Great teachers and a great location. I'm very glad I chose to do the ROV Pilot Tech Premium course at QSTAR"

  • Jose Felipe Quevedo - Mexico 12-09-2013

    Excelente curso gran equipo de profesionales con mucha experiencia.
    Una gran experiencia que mas puedo decir gracias por todas las enseñanzas.

  • Jose Antonio Risueño - INDRA 30-09-2016

    Muy enriquecedora la experiencia y mejor trato el recibido por los amigos de Qstar subsea solutions.
    Agradecer especialmente a Cristián Gurgu su paciencia al intentar transmitirnos sus conocimientos y experiencia.
    Sin olvidar a Víctor, Chema, Isabel, Gonzalo, Eliot y como no a ese espectacular marinero y gran persona que es Jesus.
    Ahora toca poner en practica los conocimientos adquiridos para seguir progresando ya sea ejerciendo como piloto ROV o aplicándolos al mantenimiento.
    Un placer haber compartido estas tres semanas de formación.
    Jose Antonio

  • Román Brun-Collín Alzina - Barcelona 12-09-2015

    Une excellente équipe, un parfait travail d'équipe. Je recommande cette entreprise à tous ceux qui sont passionés de la robotique sous-marine !!! An excellent team, a perfect team working. I recommend this company to all who has the passion for the marine robotic! Un excel·lent equip, un perfecte travall d'equip. Recomano aquesta empresa a tots els que són apassionants per la robòtica submarina !